FW: NSTC 2024 Research Grant Program for University Students (Application due - February 21)
Each professor has a quota for advising students under this program (a maximum of two students per year). Please discuss with your advising professor and reach a consensus before applying.
Program Duration: July 1, 2025 to the end of February, 2026 (for a total time period of eight months).
Research Grant: A monthly stipend of NT$ 6,000, or a total of NT$48,000 over the course of the eight-month research period.
Research Funding: Expenses for consumables, items, books, and miscellaneous costs may be subsidized based on the actual needs of the research project, with a maximum subsidy of NT$20,000 per project.
Applicant Eligibility: A second-year student (or above) currently enrolled at either a public or private college/university.
Student submit online application (no later than 1:00 PM on February 21)
-> Department office conducts verification
-> Advisor conducts verification (no later than 4:00 PM on February 21)
-> NSTC conducts review
In accordance with the amendment to Article 16, Clause 4 of '國科會補助大專學生研究計畫作業要點', effective November 1, 2023, university students applying for the Research Grant must complete at least six hours of academic ethics training beforehand. (Related announcement) Students can attend the traning hosted by NTHU (offered in Chinese only) or the traning hosted by MOE. To attend the MOE traning, students should create a registrant account.
Students must complete all online application procedures to the Academic Research Service system on the NSTC website, by 1:00 PM on February 21, 2024 (Friday):
Ensure all required application documents are uploaded to the Academic Research Service system. (Instruction)
Confirm that the "Certificate of Completion for Academic Ethics Training (at least six hours) (OTH5)" is uploaded, and inform your department office to confirm your submission.
After the department office confirms, inform your advising professor to click "Agree" and upload the "advising Professor's Initial Review Form (C804)" no later than 4:00 PM on February 21.
To avoid potential issues, such as system congestion or unexpected network problems near the deadline, students are suggested to complete the application early and reserve sufficient time for the advising professor to sign and submit the initial review form.
For detailed information on regulations and forms related to the NSTC 2024 Research Grant Program for University Students, please refer to the official website.
NSTC also provides translated guidelines, however, the translation was conducted in 2019. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.